2017年 7月03日~07日
テマ > シュート (TEMA > SHOOT)
I think everyone understood very well what I talk 2 weeks ago, and everyone trained hard. However, you relaxed too much again last week. You must be concentrated everytime you train, not just when coaches warn you. I tell you once more, soccer is in you head. Depending on your behaviour and your fighting spirit, you can increase your skills twice or even 3 times. As I told you before, I will make trainings serious so I will put you out if you are not concentrated. You are getting well at shooting, so let’s keep working hard to aim much more!
MONDAY MVP > Chihiro, Jacob, Kakeru. Yohan, Shin, Yuto, Masa, Akira. Kaito, Eita, Shota, Sota, Yota. Ayane, Ryoga, Rintaro, S.Yuma, Asahi.
WEDNESDAY MVP > Hayato, Riki, Kaito, Koki, Raito, Shun. Shin, Shoma, Tenma, Soichiro.
THURSDAY MVP > Kaito, Shuta, Shin, Yohan. Tetsuro, Kaisei, Asahi.