LUNES 06/03/2017 (U6·U8·U10·U12)
Very good training today too, but the game was not so good.
During the game, you all gather too close around the ball, so it is difficult to go forward.
Be clever and move to the spaces where nobody is in. Then if you take the ball, you will be free!
Let’s try next time!
MVP > Yutaka, Kodai, Shuta
MVP > ユタカ・コウダイ・シュウタ
It was a very good trining until the middle of it. Your were concentrated and tried to do things properly. However, in the second half of the training you lost the concentration and spoke to much between you, without listening to the coaches explanations. During the game, you did very good plays, but you could do much better if you would be more concentrated! Let’s do it better next time!
MVP > Akira, Hiroto, Shoma, Tomoya, Soichiro, Y.Hiroto, Naoki
MVP > アキラ・ヒロト・ショウマ・トモヤ・ショウイチロウ・ Y.ヒロト ・ナオキ
This was the best training after a long time! Cheerful but serious at the same time!
You worked hard, took good comunication and tried to do the coache’s explanations!
This is the way to get better! Let’s keep on like this!
MVP > Shu, Shun, Ryota, Cedric, Dexter, Sogo
MVP > シュウ・シュン・リョウタ・セドリック・デクスター・ソウゴ
This was a very good training again. Good intensity and concentration.
Good pases and moves, but rush too much sometimes. You want to atack too fast every single play.
It is important to do it fast, but not always. Let’s pass around when you don’t find the space and then speed up when you find it! Let’s try next time!
MVP > Takumi, Hayato, Gakuta, Hideaki, Yujin, Haruto
MVP > タクミ・ハヤト・ガクタ・ヒデアキ・ユウジン・ハルト