JUEVES 02/03/2017 (U8·U12)
Today was a great training! It was not good last times, but this time it was amazing!
What means that you really can do it if you want!
Just because you payed more attention at explanations, you did much better!
That’s the way to keep on improving!
Can you do it even better next time?
MVP > So, Felix, Jayden, Haruto, Shota, Shuta, Taiki, Yuta
MVP > ソウ・フィリックス・ジェイデン・ハルト・ショウタ・シュウタ・タイキ・ユウタ
This group always shows good plays. You are trying to create good plays, but never forget that not always pass is the best way. If we lose a ball close to our goal it can be a rival goal, so be smart, and make long passes up to the sides to avoid the pinch. You can kick the ball out in the worst case if you think is a dangerous situation. Let’s keep on creating good plays from next week!
MVP > Riki, Takumi, Dexter, Ayane
MVP > リキ・タクミ・デクスター・アヤネ