JUEVES 23/02/2017 (U8·U12)
You worked better than other days, but still need you to be more concentrated and motivated.
About the play, you need to spread out faster, as soon as someone of your team take the ball from the rival. Pass back when you don’t keep on going forward. If you atack, just do it!
MVP > Shota, Yota, Takuma, Yutaka, Shuta
MVP > ショウタ・ヨハン・タクマ・ユタカ・シュウタ
We are training how to pass the ball between defenders, goalkeeper, and midfilders to build up a good play that will allow us to atack easily. We could just kick the ball up and run, but opponent would had advantage because they are facing the ball. So just kick the ball when it is a dangerous situation. When you can, just pass and let’s make a good play.
MVP > M.Haruto, Tsubasa, Haruki
MVP > ナカムラハルト・ツバサ・ハルキ