JUEVES 26/01/2017 (U8·U12)
MVP > ハルト・ショウタ・トモヤ
This group is training well with the ball, but it takes too much time to do anything. There are too many players talking during the coaches speeches or just lose the concentration during the play. Training time is just about one hour and half. You can talk and pay with your mates, before/after the game or during breaks. But let’s be concentrated during the training please.
About the training contents, I think it was quite good. You need to pass around the defense, trying to find a gap to go through. You can challenge 1vs1 when the there is only a defender, if not just pass and move for the next!
MVP > Haruto, Shota, Tomoya
● CADETE (U12)
MVP > タクミ・テルヤ・リョウタ
This group is always concentrated and working hard. This is the base to keep improving.
About the play contents, I think you are passing well between you, but you still need to create more space and pass courses. Don’t be in the place where you want to receive the ball, just appear in the good timing to receive it. And then let’s make the opposite run, passing the ball from side to side looking for spaces. Focus on it and let’s try to do it better next time!
MVP > Takumi, Teruya, Ryota