JUEVES 08/12/2016 (U8·U12)
Very good training today.
Let’s do the ‘shadow training’ better to improve our skills! Passes were good, but you have to try to don’t miss even one ball. During the ‘posession training’, the players with the ball are playing well, but those who don’t have the ball are to quite. You need to move and call more for the ball.
The game was quite good, but let’s do it even better next time!
MVP > Yohan, Haruto, Yota, Ryota
MVP > ヨハン・ハルト・ヨウタ・リョウタ
Very good intensity and concentration.
Become a player who can take advantage of any situation during the game, 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs1, 2vs1 etc..
During the game, let’s think about taking the back of the defense. I want you to pass as much as you can, but if the opponent is pressing to much, you can aim the back of the deffense and atack more directly.
Let’s do it better next time!
MVP > Riki, Sho, Takumi, Ryudai, Cedric, Dexter, Kota, Raito, Tsubasa, Riku
MVP > リキ、ショウ、タクミ、リュウダイ、セドリック、デクスター、コウタ、ライト、ツバサ、リク
Alegria y Fuerza!