INFANTIL (U10) 24/08/2015
Tema > Defense
Many players from U-8 category joined to this training session because of the suspension of the training last weeks. Thought U-8 players need to improve their concentration, U-10 players worked very well.
· Good points > The intensity of the training was very good, specially at 1vs1. Game was also good, watching around and trying to connect passing the ball.
· Bad points > Too much time to get together and listen coach speechs. Many players talk between them too. It is good to enjoy but there are limits!
MVP > Tailer
テーマ > ディフェンス
● 出来た所 > 1対1の時の激しさはよかった。試合の時もよく周りを見てパスをつなごうとしていた。いいプレーをたくさん出来たと思う。
● 出来てない所 > 集合の時時間かかりすぎるし、コーチ話している時もしゃべっている選手が多かった。特に振り替えの選手。楽しく練習していいけど、遊びではない!!
MVP > Tailer
Alegría y Fuerza