LUNES 27/02/2017 (U6·U8·U10·U12)
Very good training today. You are doing very well lately.
If you keep doing like this, I think you could become great players.
Good passes, good dribble, good shots!
MVP > Kotaro, Shuta, Kodai
MVP > コウタロウ・シュウタ・コウダイ
Your skills are getting better but your concentration is not good. You still talk too much between you and you don’t listen well when coaches are explaining. Then you don’t understand well the meaning and purpose of the training what it is very important to keep getting better. You must work harder, skills but also concentration. That’s the first step!
MVP > Tomoya
MVP > トモヤ
This group is working well with ball, but still lacks of concentration. You are training beside U8 group, so you need to be an example for them. They will probably behave as you do, so be concentrated and talk to them if they are not doing right. Actitud is the first step to become a professional player. Let’s colaborate together to create a perfect atmosphere and make the training smooth. It will became even much fun if you do it properly!
MVP > Haruto, Sota
MVP > ハルト・ソウタ
You did a good training. Concentration and intensity were good again.
We are trying to build up the plays. Side players go upper and take the opponent with them to create spaces. The 2 defenders spread out and try to receive the ball in order to keep on building up the play step by step. If the opponent come too close and press to much, just kick the ball up to the sides and avoid the danger. We will work more about this!
MVP > Ryoga, Hideaki, S.Yuma, Shunsuke
MVP > リョウガ・ヒデアキ・S.ユウマ・シュンスケ