JUEVES 16/02/2017 (U8·U12)
Due to internet problems, I couldn’t upload the blog last week, so I will write about last and this week.
Last and this week points, MVP, goals and coments.
This group is very irregular. Sometimes work very well, sometimes very bad.
Some players doesn’t listen to coaches explanations, other players just stand on the field and doesn’t move until the ball comes… You need to fix it. Look for the ball, call for it, move to recieve it, and always be ready to listen or play. That’s the way to improve. Let’s focus on it from next time. When you fix it, then you can play soccer properly too.
MVP > Haruto, Shota, Yota, Yohan, Uta, Jyden, Daiju, Takuma
MVP > ハルト・ショウタ・ヨウタ・ヨハン・ウタ・ジェイデン、ダイジュ、タクマ
This group is working well but sometimes lack of comunication. If you don’t speak during training or mates, then you can not become a soccer player. Be more agressive, more active. Look for the ball, move when you don’t have it, speak to your mates… then you will become much better. We started training junior high school level training and comunication is very important, so please let’s focus on it!
MVP > Teruya (x2), Ayane (x2), Takumi, Yuma, Riku, Yoshito, Haru, Shun, N.Haruto, Kota
MVP > テルヤ(2回)・アヤネ(2回)・タクミ・ユウマ・リク・ヨシト・ハル・シュン・ナカムラハルト・コウタ