MIERCOLES TECHNICAL 15/02/2017 (U10·U12)
Due to internet problems, I couldn’t upload the blog last week, so I will write about last and this week.
Last and this week points, MVP, goals and coments.
This group is getting much better. Intensity and speed are awesome. You also are passing very well. However, need to be careful when coaches ask you to come for explanations. Need to come faster!
In addition, you are doing very well ‘ball posession’, but you rush too much when you are in a game and you commit many fails, so just calm down and play!
MVP > Hisato (x2), Riko (x2), Yohan (x2), Shoma, Kaito
MVP > ヒサト(2回)・リコ(2回)・ヨハン(2回)・ショウマ・カイト
This group is working hard, but still need to move more when you don’t have the ball. You need to create pass course for the player who has the ball. Pass and move, look for spaces and always look for new solutions during the game. Let’s do it better next time!
MVP > Riki (x2), Manato, Sota, Taisei, Riku
MVP > リキ(2回)・マナト・ソウタ・タイセイ・リク
Alegria y Fuerza!